Sunday, February 9, 2014


Prospects or hopes of success or gain is a definition of expectations. I recently read the final school newspaper from my senior year in High School. There was a section that asked some of the students where did they see theirselves in ten years. It amazes me how confident some of my peers were back then. I don't remember what my answer was, but I probably said I would be rich and in the NBA. That was the only career I wanted as a seventeen year old. No matter what we want to happen in life, it won't manifest unless we put in the work. I didn't have the slightest idea of what it took to become a professional basketball player. I was so naive, I just knew that I loved the sport and I wanted to play. I got accepted to Michigan State as a student not an athlete. I tried out for the men's basketball team as a walk-on and I didn't make it. Shortly after , I ended up coming home and dropping out completely. It wasn't even a big deal to the people around me. Just being able to say I attended MSU was enough for everyone, including myself at the time. I am so glad I didn't complete my college education. As dumb as that sounds, allow me to explain. In school I was never taught to follow my strenghts and passions. I had a hard time figuring out what I wanted to be in the future. Here I am twenty-five years old and sure that all I want to be is the best version of myself. We've all been marginalized to fit into these catergories that society deems useful. Fulfilling everyone's expectations but our own. I am in no way knocking anyone's profession. Neither am I saying that a college education isn't important. I just feel that finding out who you are and what you want is the most important part of the learning experience. My advice to others would be to not get so caught up in pleasing others that you forget about yourself. Set the expectations for your life and put in the necessary work to meet them.

Monday, January 6, 2014

What are you afraid of?

Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears. Too many of us never realize our full potential because our fears block us. There are only two fears that we are born with; one is the fear of falling and the other is the fear of a loud sound. All other fears are learned. Fear is an emotion, and like any mere emotion it can be controlled. The definition of fear is to be afraid of. All human brings have been confronted with fear various times. My biggest observation of fear is the facade people put up to mask it. Have you ever seen someone try to act tough to the point where they're embarrassing theirselves? What about people who play it safe in life? The fear of failure can cause people to not take any risks. The fear of failure is a learned one as is the fear of success. These are two of the most crippling things that we must deal with in life. When you live timidly,  you limit yourself tremendously. I'm not suggesting that everyone should go sky diving or bungie jumping. Or spend your life's savings on a bad investment, but try to live a little. Set goals, fall short, aim higher and keep pushing. The more I live , the more I realize that life is meant to be experienced and not just survived. I'll admit things can seem so overwhelming that doubt and fear will creep up. The counter to fear is faith. You have to believe in you! God will back you up if you believe in God. I see so many people with limitless potential letting it go to waste, myself included. My neighborhood is full of people living their lives timidly. Often were scared of what other people might think, scared to stand out. How many of us have lots of plans and goals that we just give up on? You have to trust in God, trust in yourself and have faith that you won't fail. Its time for people to be strong in faith, weak in fear and rooted in love. I encourage everyone to break away from the shackles of fear. Its never too late to live out your dreams , so go for it!